He had quite forgotten the country accent, and talked in a pleasant, well-bred voice, with only the faintest trace, like Alderic's, of a lowland accent.
"Good afternoon," she said in a loud, well-bred voice.
She bent her head graciously, accepted the chair that Poirot drew forward and spoke in a low, well-bred voice.
Complaints with much braying of well-bred voices, I expect, Charles.
There was that confident murmur of well-bred voices which Julia was beginning to associate with a certain sort of English gathering.
Two minutes later she said in a hearty, well-bred voice, "Ah, there we are.
The air was filled with the buzzing of well-bred voices that emanated from handsome senior citizens who were seated about the room.
Miss Blacklock spoke in a pleasant well-bred voice.
Once more her rustic accent did not conceal an im- perious and well-bred voice.
Her well-bred voice retained its rounded tones, but the pitch was shriller, the tempo faster, carrying through the glass with no difficulty.