And as if they didn't already have enough trouble, well-born men now have to face a whole new wave of competition: close to half of new M.B.A.'s are women.
Further research turns up a well-born man, apparently a natural son of someone in high places, with powerful friends who guide his life.
Jesuits provided education at all stages, from primary to university; and they complemented the service by allocating well-born men of the world to serve as private confessors to the great.
He is here titled as "velbåren mann" ("well-born man"), which means he must have held a title higher than that of a væpner (squire).
Of course, Johnson's persona of courtly, well-born man about town is light-years away from Bacon's black, tortured souls.
Being well-born young men, however, they hide out in Upper East Side town houses, the Racquet Club and F. A. O. Schwarz.
Evidently he found the society of a well-born man a rare novelty in this dingy environment, and was moved to unaccustomed speech as memories of better days surged over him.
Shakespeare's Sonnet 67 is a thematic continuation of "Sonnet 66," and is more generally one of the group of poems addressed to a well-born younger man.
When drawn by a worthy or well-born man, the entire blade would blaze with fire.
In 19th-century England, a well-born man and woman compete to buy a racing stud farm.