It has the pleasant atmosphere of a well-appointed, private house with a charming garden and climbing frame for children.
Mr. Daniels gazed out over the lake in front of his roomy, well-appointed house.
In the well-appointed haunted house of today, technology often stands in for architectural details.
For the only reason that presented itself was the fact that one of the rooms in the house (a comfortable, well-appointed house) stirred his curiosity.
Yet there are serious difficulties in accepting it, either as a working farm or well-appointed house.
The least one expects to find is a well-appointed house with interesting decorative features.
The entire play takes place in one room, "the living room of a large and well-appointed suburban house".
Executive home is a marketing term for a moderately large and well-appointed house.
Much of this part is the Warner Estate built up with large well-appointed late Victorian houses.
The pavilion was very nearly as comfortable-looking as a well-appointed house.