In this last case, they were well camouflaged, and it was very difficult to find them.
The road itself was well camouflaged against ground and air observation.
They are difficult to see, being well camouflaged in their habitat.
It is small, growing to 8 cm and well camouflaged.
The computer on her desk was well camouflaged by more paperwork.
For protection, they are well camouflaged in dry grass and keep very still.
However this time potential targets were well camouflaged, and the air base had been put under a 24-hour full alert.
They are known for being extremely secretive and well camouflaged.
Despite the times, considerable effort was made to blend these into the original structure, and they are thus well camouflaged.
The military base is well camouflaged to keep it from being seen from the air.