Now here I am a former welfare commissioner moving into the state's key position to work with the state's private sector.
This political rift played out in a dramatic personal way a few weeks ago for the city's new welfare commissioner.
Mr. Perales, now the state's welfare commissioner, will take over central responsibility for the city's sprawling and troubled social service agencies on Jan. 1.
As welfare commissioner, the 50-year-old Mr. Perales played a pivotal role in gaining legislative support for such programs.
The long, bipartisan process the welfare commissioners pursued to reach our own recommendations for sweeping, systemic reform began with the goal of promoting self-sufficiency and strengthening families.
To the Mayor and his welfare commissioner, Jason A. Turner, however, the decline in public assistance is a big step in the right direction.
The state's welfare commissioner, Audrey Rowe, also bitterly criticized some of the legislature's changes in welfare legislation, which she said undermined the administration's goals.
Jason Turner, the city's welfare commissioner, asserted that the idea that poverty itself hurt family well-being was "a serious mistake."
The city's new welfare commissioner, Verna Eggleston, learned about both work and welfare at her mother's knee.
The following year, he was elected Manchester's welfare commissioner, a position he held until he was elected mayor in 1981.