There is also evidence that the programs are changing attitudes about the willingness and ability of welfare clients to work.
From the doctors' point of view, managed care for welfare clients has also been a windfall, bringing new patients.
Among them are these: *Replacing public employee job training and placement advisers for welfare clients with private ones.
America Works will be paid $1 million to find jobs for welfare clients termed the most difficult to place.
They say welfare clients are coming under this pressure because it is a politically popular thing to do.
Here in Michigan, nearly 30 percent of welfare clients earn a paycheck, more than three times the national average.
He lends money to welfare clients, at 100 percent interest.
She had been chasing all over Brooklyn since early morning, seeing welfare clients.
A bonus is that this would create job openings for former welfare clients.
I mean, if you are saying that the objective should be to get the welfare client into work, then of course, that's where we began.