California has 12 percent of the American population, but bears 26 percent of the welfare burden.
Ms. Shalala's second obligation is to take an even bigger portion of the welfare burden off city and state governments.
At the same time it is being strangled by an increased welfare burden.
The first and most essential is to lift the backbreaking welfare burden off cities and share it with taxpayers.
But to suggest that the government should shift part of its welfare burden to churches, through tax-supported subsidies, is folly.
The only alternatives are to place the welfare burden on the national government or the private sector or to eliminate welfare benefits.
Though the factory's managers hope one day to shed their social welfare burdens, significant reforms remain somewhere out in the future.
The new railways faced difficulties adopting monolithic organizations with large social welfare burdens and aging equipment.
Westchester's economy is in better shape than New York City's, meaning a smaller welfare burden.
When Europe has such a high and rising unemployment rate and social welfare burden, can the Council really argue that the economic fundamentals are sound?