Independent fostering providers (IFPs) will welcome a shift towards more direct work with children.
It welcomed contributions towards the demarcation process and called for further assistance from the international community.
Those incidents helped create and perpetuate a climate that was not welcoming towards African Americans, other minorities, or women.
Archie Gillespie, Strathclyde's director of finance, welcomed the move towards greater transparency in the way that the spending allocations are made.
The people are shown to be pretty warm and welcoming towards outsiders.
We welcomed the shift towards a plan-led system and commented on a number of structure and local plans.
"Jordan has been by far the easiest place for me to photograph ... because the culture is an incredibly welcoming one towards guests."
I welcome the call for a better EU human rights strategy towards third countries and candidate countries.
Which region could be the most aware and most motivated to welcome and work towards maritime safety?
Ukraine needs support and it needs to be assured that the Union will be open and welcoming towards it.