The business boom continued for most of the century and Quebec City began welcoming thousands of immigrants.
Bulldozers in Sestriere moved snow to clear roads and pave the way for a little mountain town to welcome tens of thousands of people.
Admission is free, and this event traditionally welcomes thousands of area families.
Since then it has welcomed thousands upon thousands of users - and that's taken its toll.
During 1915, the French welcomed tens of thousands of Armenians in their country which was a safe haven for them.
The Foundation is the name of Moore's art charity, and also of his former estate, which welcomes thousands of visitors every year.
However, the city welcomed thousands of Polish migrants from Eastern Galicia.
But since the Gulf crisis began, governments there have welcomed thousands of journalists - many times the number they would normally receive.
We are used to welcoming hundreds of thousands of people to Scotland with warm Scottish hospitality every day.
The United States welcomes thousands of foreign workers in multiple occupations or employment categories every year.