Japrocksampler is a flawed but welcome reminder that there are musical worlds beyond our ken.
But Friday's show provided a welcome reminder that the old ones already have.
When stars have health problems, it's a welcome reminder that they're real people, just like us.
These discussions provide a welcome reminder that movies don't just happen.
And for some drivers, the law's extension beyond just talking was a welcome reminder that sharing the road requires concentration.
In this room full of guildsmen she would have been a welcome reminder of what was now behind me.
The split-screen action is a welcome reminder that multiplayer needn't involve a modem.
Private environmental groups said the settlement, although long in coming, was a welcome reminder that it does not pay to pollute.
That is a rather useful reminder which we, from the Commission side, welcome and find meaningful.
It is also a welcome reminder of a brave woman who lived her brief and difficult life for us, whom she never knew.