The theater has always offered a welcome refuge for poets, even if neither is entirely comfortable in the other's company.
Today the barn is a private home and welcome refuge for visitors to Stone City.
When they were packed and ready to go, Ayla looked back at the summer camp that had been such a welcome refuge.
The interior of the coffee-house was a welcome refuge from the chill, damp, January air.
A small screened garden room cooled by evening breezes and ceiling fans is a welcome refuge.
And rather than being left behind by society's faster pace, he said, baseball provides a welcome refuge for more languid rhythms.
The city's parks, for example, are a welcome refuge; many have rides, playgrounds and other attractions.
FOR the director of a shuttered museum in a country at war, the imaginary can be a welcome refuge.
In winter, the smithy had been a welcome refuge against the cold.
Also worth visiting are a pair of welcome refuges from the summer heat and the urban hurly-burly.