Savidlin stood at their approach, welcoming them onto the elders' platform.
By 1966, Blomefield wanted to diversify the use of his land and welcomed new sculptors onto it to form a community of working artists.
The dog has yet to receive a bath, but the boy welcomes her onto the sofabed, where she curls atop the covers.
Viewed in this light, robots might well be seen favourably by workers and their trade unions, and thus welcomed onto the shop floor.
The strategy of leaders on the right has been to welcome Ms. Royal onto the battlefield, perhaps because they do not believe she poses a threat.
Following the game, an elaborate ceremony was held with many of the franchise's greatest members welcomed onto the rink.
Thursday's Roundtable sees Steve welcoming another three guests onto the panel.
I also welcome onto the platform some representatives of the dock workers who have got in.
Loring also was built with a non-denominational chapel, which helped to welcome new members onto the base.