They hang over the block like a rubber-soled welcome banner, Size 8 greetings from East 170th Street.
The welcome banners are waving, T-shirt entrepreneurs are smiling and local newscasts aren't dominated by weather reports anymore.
These are sent unchanged to the client and can be used for descriptions or for welcome banners.
The frail 79-year-old pope slowly descended the ramp into a darkened airport filled with armed security officers but unadorned by the usual welcome banners, bands or waving groups of Catholic school children.
Among the only visible indications of the Games, apart from the commercial sponsors' advertisements, were the welcome banners put up by the city government.
The novel ends with Addie merrily approaching her new home, the exterior of which has been decorated with a welcome banner made by her young half-sisters.
There were no welcome banners for the President along Main Street in Edgartown.
He was honored with large public celebrations along the way, especially in Tennessee, where cities hostile to him during the war hung out welcome banners.
In the Bethlehem area, the Dehaisheh refugee camp is strung with welcome banners.
Not only wasn't his home a ruin of ashes scattered across the valley floor as it was supposed to be, there were bloody welcome banners flapping from the turrets.