"I think most kids will wear their weird clothes on midterm week, because that's when people need their biggest motivational boost," he said.
The Beatles, with their twanging guitars, silly expressions, drug language and weird clothes, would not have amounted to a hill of beans.
When she walked in the door, they turned around and laughed at her, and said "Those are the weirdest clothes I've ever seen."
He's the one who came up with the weird clothes and the physical antics that have nothing to do with me.
A nuthouse freak, turned loose in weird white clothes to wander the mountain roads?
Elaine knew she must have been unconsciously expecting a monster, but this was a charming woman of about her own height, wearing weird, old-fashioned clothes.
An American wouldn't be seen dead in those weird clothes.
All of us except Lemuel had these weird clothes on.
You get to see people in weird clothes.
Kids these days look so bizarre with their tattoos, piercings, and weird clothes.