The hypermen could not see them, but it was soon made evident that the weird beings had indeed, in some unknown fashion, been warned of their coming.
They knew the identity of this weird being.
The cryptic text alluded to primordial battles between the greater powers and weird beings more mighty even than Ao.
There is no such thing as a weird human being.
Here he started his first work on the little animals, those weird new little beings that Leeuwenhoek had discovered.
I mean, they are some of the weirdest beings I've ever encountered in my life.
All the same, having their nakedness covered before these weird beings did make Stan feel a little less helpless.
All the same, having their nakedness covered before these weird beings made Stan feel better.
It was as easy as that, and since he took care not to look at any of the weird beings, he gave no alarm.
For a time his wild hope of communication, of interpretation, with these weird beings held me.