So it's rarely used to measure a person's risk for weight-related diseases.
Generally if you have a ratio of 0.75 to 0.8 you're at low risk of weight-related disease but it's important to maintain your shape by a healthy diet and regular exercise.
And the cost of treating these weight-related diseases is an important factor in rising health care spending.
This interactive tool estimates your risk of weight-related diseases by using your body mass index (BMI) along with your waist measurement and other factors.
It might also help you prevent weight-related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some cancers.
This means your body is not at risk of weight-related disease.
The consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks can also be associated with many weight-related diseases, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors, and elevated blood pressure.
With better health, the girl has also reduced her risk of developing weight-related diseases like diabetes.
Many overcame life-threatening weight-related diseases.
According to Everett Koop, M.D., the former Surgeon General, weight-related diseases killed 300,000 Americans in 1994.