But amid all the diets and weight-loss pills, where's the nutrition?
While there's no magic weight-loss pill, there are what have become known as superfoods.
We've heard about the dangers of popping weight-loss pills.
If you're really serious about taking weight-loss pills, there's a safer way to go about it.
It is soon found out that Boris has disguised himself as a little boy, and is feeding the elephants weight-loss pills.
This risk, he said, might also exist with some over-the-counter cold medicines and weight-loss pills.
No weight-loss pill can be expected to work well by itself, doctors say.
So she decided to take herbal weight-loss pills, which she bought at a natural-foods store.
The diet is used to sell a product, such as herbal weight-loss pills or a specific food.
With our weight-loss pills you can indulge yourself in the foods you love without putting on any unwanted pounds.