The entire Bulgarian weight-lifting team withdrew from those Games.
Last year Montoya made the national weight-lifting team, moving to Havana to the national training center.
In the wake of the latest embarrassment, the entire Bulgarian weight-lifting team was withdrawn from the Games.
Spared any cuts or embarrassment was China's weight-lifting team, which is expected to win at least five gold medals, including four women's titles.
Trophies won by the baseball, football and weight-lifting teams gather cobwebs on top of a coffee machine.
My father was a lawyer who headed the Guatemalan weight-lifting team at the Moscow Olympics.
He'd been part of the Turkish weight-lifting team in the summer Olympics in 1992.
Leader of the Dark Oxen and captain of the weight-lifting team.
The entire Bulgarian weight-lifting team was later expelled from the Games after three failed drugs tests.
Earlier, the entire Romanian weight-lifting team was expelled after two athletes had tested positive for nandrolone before the Games.