They are very active on the line, testing light tackle beyond what their weight would suggest.
McBride's weight suggests he may not be fit enough to wear down Tyson should the fight last long.
The weight of correspondence to the board suggests that people in Shirley like that name.
The wine's relatively light weight suggested that it would profit from refrigeration.
Its weight suggested a third dog and so Sooner was added.
However, the weight of evidence suggests bilberry is not effective for night vision.
However, the weight of evidence suggests that if Dixon did have black ancestry, it was fairly remote.
While results have not always agreed, the weight of research suggests that taking extra selenium probably doesn't help prevent prostate cancer.
The weight of evidence suggests the treatments work at least sometimes, for some people.
Though there have been a few successes, the weight of evidence suggests that the Americans and Iraqis are failing on both counts.