I own some pieces of Japanese cloth which were created with the design dyed into both the warp and the weft yarns.
A stationary package of yarn is used to supply the weft yarns in the rapier machine.
One end of a rapier, a rod or steel tape, carries the weft yarn.
The rapier moves across the width of the fabric, carrying the weft yarn across through the shed to the opposite side.
Garbardine always has many more warp than weft yarns.
To create patterns, weavers tie-dye portions of weft yarn before weaving begins.
A beater is a weaving tool designed to push the weft yarn securely into place.
When the end of a color boundary is reached, the weft yarn is wound back from the boundary point.
The colours of the warp yarn is different from that of the weft yarn.
Such yarns are typically used as weft yarns with a cotton warp.