When the chief had heard the whole affair related, he wept aloud, and many other of the inhabitants did the same.
The whole crew wept aloud at the sight of these three clasped together in a close, silent embrace.
When the log-hut received them for the second time, Martin laid down upon the ground, and wept aloud.
I was trembling now, shaking and crying and weeping aloud.
Cendri held her so that she would not fall, and heard her weeping aloud.
He threw himself upon the ground, wept aloud and cried "Mother!
Then she rose, and, throwing up her arms, wept aloud.
She hid her face in her arms and wept aloud.
He pitched forward onto his elbows and wept aloud.
Eurydike flung herself on her mother's body and wept aloud.