The seventh season as a whole was the highest rated season of Dexter, watched by 6.1 million total weekly viewers across all platforms.
It struggled to find an audience from the beginning, with an average Australian viewership of 750,000 weekly viewers.
Season one averaged just over a million weekly viewers and season two increased to 1.56 million, an increase of over 50%.
In later years he contributed to Today and 60 Minutes, where he presented a weekly viewers' feedback segment.
The creator of the series, Mike Burns, lost count at over 750,000 weekly viewers.
The show had an average of 850,000 weekly viewers (about 11.6% of total viewers).
This sitcom has an estimated 80,000 weekly viewers.
Van Speijk, a highly publicized police series, attracted an average amount of 900,000 viewers weekly.
For the next five minutes or so, the two million weekly viewers find out, quite graphically, how other couples guard the libidinous flame.
Since mid-2008 TV 2 NEWS has had around 1,2 - 1,4 million weekly viewers.