They were laid out on a weekly rotation, the various meals selected on a daily basis, from a list of foodstuffs.
Small wonder that they might respond to exaggerated versions of themselves in weekly rotation.
With his guidance, they're learning to dress better, talk smoother, and add a lot more women to their "weekly rotation."
At the time of this assessment, the garrison was composed of a commander, three soldiers and two artillery gunmen, placed in weekly rotation.
It also assumes a weekly rotation.
Eight of these periods cycle on a weekly rotation of four days with seven periods and one day with all nine periods.
The Market Indicators will include a new weekly rotation of five other stock market charts.
The episodes and elements of the show are screened on a weekly rotation in the following set up:
In my seminar class, we follow a weekly rotation in which we each take turns leading a group discussion.
The station dropped nearly all 80's music from its weekly rotation and eliminated many soft 90's hits as well.