In weekly protests, they demanded that the university recruit more minority students and professors, among other changes.
There has been a pattern of making such concessions on Thursdays, before the weekly protests after Friday prayers.
Iraqi demonstrators hold pictures of missing relatives during a weekly protest against corruption.
The so-called Saturday Mothers held weekly protests against "disappearances" between May 1995 and 1999.
Students and parents from the city's most underserved communities have been holding weekly protests, accusing the Education Department of abandoning their schools by cutting budgets.
It barred the use of megaphones during weekly protests and extended legal protection against harassment to contractors and other people associated with the university.
The latest weekly protests have been smaller, involving only about 30 people.
She organized weekly protests after May 2007 expanding the issues for reform.
The group, which calls itself Citizens' Parliament, has been making weekly protests, calling for a negotiated peace.
She led protests for press freedom and organized weekly protests for reform.