In August 2009, Bailey began marketing the show to classic rock stations as a weekly syndicated offering.
Not only did I stop writing poetry during this time, I stopped reading the one or two weekly offerings in The New Yorker.
Nowhere was this appeal more visible than when Mr. Sharpton conducted the weekly offering.
The promotion pushed the program as an "edgier" product than its normal weekly offerings, partially as a response to ECW's growing popularity.
He even managed a small weekly offering in one of the the ten-million-odd alms boxes the Gradygroats maintained throughout the city.
Chapter 24 turns from special festivals to two regular duties: the lamp which must be kept burning, and the weekly offering of 12 loaves.
The weekly offering is one of the most sensitive indicators of the extent of the commitment of the membership to the local church.
Most recently, iTunes has been weekly offering free music videos.
The weekly offering, which usually begins with requests for $100 bills, started yesterday with an invitation to donate $1,000.
Also, the Treasury will hold its regular weekly offering of three- and six-month bills today, totaling $21.2 billion, the same amount as a week ago.