Rosauers president Larry Geller said most of the violations involved one or two hours over the 18-hour weekly limit set for employees under age 16.
The safe upper weekly limits are currently considered to be 21 units for men and 14 units for women.
But the weekly 20-hours limit may not be exceeded.
This change allowed up to 16 hours of driving per day, allowing the driver to exhaust their weekly limits in as little as five days.
After the change, drivers were allowed to "reset" their weekly 70-hour limit to zero, by taking 34 consecutive hours off-duty.
It is possible to set a daily limit, a weekly limit, or to specify an allowed playing schedule.
To stay low-risk, you must keep within both the single-day and weekly limits.
He's referring to the program's recommended weekly limit for men.
In an attempt to prevent this slow creep the department asked each local office to set a maximum upper weekly limit for fees in their area.
These countries recommend a weekly limit, but intake on a particular day may be higher than one-seventh of the weekly amount.