Life: The life section covers entertainment, food, style, family, health, and science in a weekly cycle.
Except that there is a standard weekly cycle of activity where you can see it.
The Panel will meet on a 6 weekly cycle to debate issues and review progress.
What events occur regularly on Earth on a weekly cycle?
This weekly cycle continues for the duration of each 12-week season.
The first might be to move away from our present weekly cycle of five 'working days' and two 'leisure days.
Past studies have identified weekly cycles in a variety of weather phenomena, including rainfall, lightning, and storm heights.
Scientists have long known that some pollution varies in weekly cycles corresponding to human activity.
This week, staff members lunched together and speculated about how many weekly cycles they had left on their paychecks.
It is a weekly cycle of psalms, hymns, scripture and other readings.