The weekly breakfasts were among the activities of an outreach program sponsored by the local government and the European Union.
At the same time, the magazine's free weekly fresh-fruit breakfast and in-house massage service were also discontinued, staff members in New York said.
They will also be invited to weekly breakfast and book discussion sessions using the Kipling stories.
But he and Summers and Greenspan discussed it at one of their weekly breakfasts and agreed that it wasn't a good idea to commit American capital.
Founded in 2011, the program's weekly breakfasts, lunches and dinners foster an exchange of ideas, opinions, and dialogue.
The mainstay of the schedule is public meetings, including tapes of weekly legislative breakfasts, school-budget hearings and the like.
As Bernanke hurried to the Department of the Treasury for his weekly breakfast with Secretary Paulson, crisis loomed.
His strategizing on this subject often came at a weekly breakfast and occasional dinner with the Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan, and Mr. Summers.
Despite weekly breakfasts together there is a certain extent of rivalry between the two yet-defined posts.
At his weekly environmental breakfast, Gore is distracted from the conversation; his head is buried in a National Geographic article on water projects.