In 2010, the weekly benefit for the unemployed was $275.
British workers have participated since 1982 and receive weekly benefits for up to a year.
Under the deal, the minimum weekly benefit, currently $40, would jump to $100.
Workers who qualify for weekly jobless benefits, which are worth an average of $260 across the country, would continue to receive them.
But most workers are classified as partially disabled, and their maximum weekly benefit while they are out of work is just $150.
Payment under items 1, 2 or 3 of the Policy would stop any weekly benefit which was being paid.
The weekly benefit payable will be shown in the Policy Schedule.
The Labor Department estimates the average weekly benefit at $250.
In 2004, some 8.8 million workers who qualified received an average weekly benefit of $262, often for up to 26 weeks, though benefits varied by state.
The average weekly benefit in California is $120, lasting an average of 14 weeks.