Doubles £144-£215; ask about weekend specials, which can be as low as £107 a night.
As with any other Manhattan hotel, ask about weekend specials.
Otherwise doubles cost $159; weekend specials are as low as $99.
See if there are any weekend specials down in the Carolinas, maybe?
Rooms for two range from $127 to $220 weekdays; weekend specials, $105.
Double rooms are $145 to $190, but weekend specials are available at $75 or $95.
Doubles run $159 to $259, weekend specials from $99.
Doubles cost $160 to $400, but sometimes there are weekend specials.
Do you know of any weekend specials for hotels and air fares this fall?
Hotels that for several years have offered weekend specials are now increasingly marketing them as relaxing short vacations.