The V.A. hospital is offering more flexible hours, such as 12-hour weekend shifts, to enable nurses to attend college during the week.
Many of the company's 7,000 American workers had been assigned to overtime to cover weekend shifts.
So Gillette hired part-time workers for weekends at the one or two plants that have weekend shifts.
Flexible 12-hour scheduling enables hospitals to attract nurses to cover less popular night and weekend shifts.
All personalities are also covering weekend shifts.
"I need to see about my weekend shifts, and monthlies", Cotswald said.
This year she is dropping her weekend shifts - but not till next weekend.
The management also wants to impose several new work rules, giving it greater flexibility in scheduling night and weekend shifts.
Working as a home health aide, Mrs. Joseph earns $6.20 an hour, $7.20 for weekend shifts.
But railroad officials maintain that regular night and weekend shifts for track workers would increase productivity and cut overtime costs.