Nearby, a very different weekend ritual is unfolding - one that is becoming increasingly familiar.
Danny and his friends hung out in the Plantation Park cul de sac as part of their weekend ritual.
But cruising open houses has become a weekend ritual.
Visiting the mausoleum has been her weekend ritual ever since Jennifer was killed, at age 25, in a car crash a decade ago.
This Saturday, I was extra excited about my weekend ritual of doing laundry and watching TV on Hulu.
But her boyfriend of five years, Danny Koch, now 40, pulled it off by incorporating a weekend ritual into the plot he used for his proposal.
This is Larry's weekend ritual during the spring and summer.
MOST weekend rituals celebrate peace and quiet.
It's a weekend ritual I enjoy, but one I'd had to forgo in the past few weeks.
Few tasks define the obligations of homeownership like this weekend ritual.