It was a weekend place, but they called it home.
Maybe the family home or a weekend place.
Sometimes they leave the children at home with a baby sitter and spend a quiet date night at the weekend place.
The helicopter picks you up on the front lawn and takes you to your weekend place.
Another couple, having established Hoboken as home, are now thinking about acquiring a weekend place at the shore.
My business partner at the time and I decided that we wanted to buy a weekend place for our employees.
Some husbands or wives would be ecstatic to say a permanent goodbye to their weekend places.
Many Czechs have weekend places, some dating from the communist era, when few people were allowed to travel outside of the country.
The house is on seven acres of Connecticut woods and is a weekend place for us to go with our four children.
When I came here it was just being used as a kind of weekend place.