A "Saturday" schedule consists of most (not all) of the weekday routes, typically with the earliest trip eliminated and/or the headway reduced.
Their bus service currently has 3 local weekday routes in Bennington: the Red, Blue and Brown routes.
Route S (weekday route)
Some weekday route 96 trips start/end here.
A total of 64 buses operate on 17 weekday routes and 13 weeknight/weekend/holiday routes across the city.
The Rainbow Route, so named because it incorporates specific sections of weekday routes, runs only on Saturdays.
Saturday routes (previously different from weekday routes) were aligned with weekday routes.
Among its 30 weekday routes, the County Connection operates seven express routes (Routes 91X-98X).
There are 18 weekday routes and 12 weekend/public holiday routes.
The Chapel Hill Transit system consists of over 20 weekday routes, of each around one third run during evenings and Saturdays.