On October 25 of 2010, Fahad obtained permission from the Kazma board for a week-long vacation to travel to Saudi Arabia.
Tempted by the offer, the sisters take a week-long vacation to Paris.
Each episode will see homebuyers choose which of three properties they would most like to stay in for their week-long vacation (which is paid for by HGTV.)
There are doubtless many moderately wealthy individuals who would be interested in taking a week-long vacation on a seastead.
Each chapter takes place over the course of one day in the week-long vacation, beginning at breakfast and ending at night.
The American dream of home ownership, a BMW, and a week-long vacation at the beach no longer interests me.
"There is a likelihood that both dioceses chose to consecrate their bishops at this time because of the holidays," the week-long vacation for May Day.
It was the last day of his week-long vacation in New York City.
Most skiers are happy if they can ski every day during a week-long vacation or every day for a few weekends each season.
Most schools and jobs declare a week-long vacation for the holiday.