And while someone looking to take up yoga at home may well spend time looking into a teacher's qualifications, few will do the same for a week-long holiday.
The Tomlins family were returning from a week-long holiday in England and Wales.
The 51st case is a three-year-old girl who returned from a week-long holiday in Melbourne on June 19 with her parents on MH 148.
This spring, HF Holidays is launching a range of short breaks and week-long holidays called Unmissable Britain.
The final remix for the recordings was done more or less behind Dury's back, while on he was on a week-long holiday.
In some areas of France, New Year's was a week-long holiday ending on April 1.
Also, tourists were quickly moving into the southern coastal areas to enjoy the week-long public holiday.
In the middle of each term there is a week-long half-term holiday.
Thursday, 3 May, was the sixth day of the family's week-long holiday.
Mrs Boland and her family, from Marlow in Buckinghamshire, were due to return home on Saturday after a week-long holiday in the Alps.