Meanwhile, 13 weeks into the season, the network has lost ground among the younger audiences that it is courting.
He's got a week in the hospital, a broken leg, lost salary.
However, weeks before the fight, his pregnant wife started having complications with her pregnancy and lost one of the twins she was carrying.
The week prior to the race he lost a right rear wheel and crashed.
Under the plan, two weeks of salary lost this year would be recovered by the employees within six years or at retirement.
Last week, the market's most closely watched indicator lost more than 52 points.
The following week they met again in the playoffs, and Miami lost again.
The next week they had 21 carries for 43 yards against Houston and lost, 23-20.
Then, nail down a day each week for everyone to share their pounds lost.
Less than two weeks in office, and he was losing Taiwan to me Chinese.