Following a divorce and a break-up with a live-in girlfriend, he spent a few weeks living in his car.
After two weeks living there, the noise and traffic were unbearable.
Furthermore, the team must often spend weeks living in the villages while they set up systems, weathering the region's extreme temperatures.
Still, after weeks living under lockdown, breathing was not entirely easy.
He also lost his home, and has spent the last two weeks living in a tent beside the Sea of Marmara.
She has spent 14 weeks living in a Hutzel residence with her 10-month old son, David.
Tells about Linda's weeks living in the farmhouse and her death from starvation.
Campers spend four weeks living both outdoors and in a Ranger cabin.
Year 9 students spend eight weeks living with other Wesley students in a village.
The contrast was all the greater because we'd spent the previous six weeks living "on the hard" in a hot, dusty, mosquito-infested boatyard.