This weedy species in the mustard family (Brassicaceae) was one of the first plants to have its genome sequenced.
As the variety of animal life declines, large populations of a few "weedy species" dominate, he said.
Thus only weedy species survive, and they dominate the planet in the immediate aftermath.
These plants tend to be "weedy" species, good at taking root on disturbed ground or ground left open by their competitors.
A kind that girls in Catholic-school uniforms didn't suspect, a weedy species too tough to die.
It is a purple to blue, weedy species, which blooms early in the spring.
Instead, the plant proliferates as a weedy species at medium-altitude locations in its native countries.
The vine is no doubt bittersweet, one of the most aggressive weedy species known.
After a major extinction event, usually only weedy species survive due to their ability to live in diverse habitats.
Reliance on wind dispersal is common among many weedy or ruderal species.