Andy shows Angela (Angela Kinsey) a wedding tent he would like for their wedding.
They wanted $25,000 in rupees, now, under the wedding tent.
The Statue of Liberty machines, for example, are kept at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit in a white metal enclosure resembling a wedding tent.
On the outskirts of every settlement there are open-sided wedding tents in brightly patterned fabrics known as pandals.
The fire, on Saturday evening, took hold at immense speed, spreading through the flammable upholstered seating and consuming the wedding tent in three minutes.
The event takes place at the bride's house where large wedding tents may be set up in the garden or a nearby place.
On December 24, 2008, Merrill Dining Hall collapsed under the weight of heavy snow and for the summer of 2009 a wedding tent was used.
And you don't need a hangar; the craft folds and deflates in less time than it took to dismantle your wedding tent.
About one hour before the wedding, the first of about 700 guests started to trickle into an elaborately decorated wedding tent.
She was carried into the wedding tent atop a doli, or Indian cart, held by several burly men.