She was apologetic and they both make up again and the wedding plans still went on.
Brenda and Benny get engaged to be married, with their wedding planned for later in the season.
"Best wedding I ever planned," chuckled our triumphant reader.
She closed her eyes for a moment, and I guessed that she was worrying about the wedding plans as well.
She reluctantly agrees and then after a passionate request from Daisy, agrees to help with the wedding plans herself.
Bradley, 21, was not eager to make his wedding plans public.
And Liz finally finds out only after all the wedding plans she's made for herself and Todd.
Father did go back into the Army, so quickly after my wedding that I feel sure he had it planned before then.
Now, after canceling her wedding plans at the end of last year, Clijsters is making up for the time she spent away from the game.
Robinson's wedding plans rank among the biggest secrets in San Antonio.