She also sang at the wedding of actor Jerry Lewis' son when she was 10 years old.
But at the wedding of his son he wouldn't be on the King's Road.
I shall therefore fill my house with the uninvited so that they may eat, drink and rejoice at the wedding of my son.'
Here is a particularly chilling bit, found on another videotape, which bin Laden had read aloud at the wedding of his 17-year-old son, Mohammed.
They talked to family and friends, went back to Pakistan for the wedding of their middle son, and journeyed to Mecca twice.
A few days later, my in-laws arrived for the wedding of Teddy's son - he was married a week after the war ended.
Asking his mother not to cry for him, he wrote, "Be happy for the wedding of your son the martyr."
There, he visited her more than he had in the past and discussed with her the possible wedding of her son, the new dauphin.
The king drove them and their brides away, and celebrated the wedding of his youngest son.
You cancelled the wedding of your son and my niece.