Lynch's website, however, identifies the male character by the name Randy and the child by the name Sparky.
My3's website previously identified the phone model as the "Amoi 8512", while the packaging the phone comes in, calls it the "WP-S1".
The event's website reportedly identified an Indian company, Kingfisher Beer, as a sponsor.
The website has a generic template look and nothing identifies it as associated with KOLR.
CEFPI's website identifies its vision as being "the advocate for excellence in student learning environments".
The local website identifies him as a native of Tayiba who was killed in the "battles of Ayta ash-Sha'b".
The Parliamentary website identifies two candidates in Nova Scotia as being "Progressives".
The festival's website only identified the setting as a theme park.
The website identifies, in total, forty conservatives in the media.
The privacy goal is motivated by the fact that the identity provider does not know which website the user is identifying.