The ban does not extend to restricting access to the publication's website contents from Singapore, however.
In fact, the regime not only blocks website content but also monitors who is using the Internet and what they are using it for.
As of May 2011, website content is available for an additional reduced fee, to paid print edition subscribers.
On October 6, 2011, the website content was restored, with a banner across the top of each page explaining the reason for the protest.
This page tells you how you can change the settings on your computer in order to see our website content better.
Non-technical clients who need to maintain their website content.
Email and telephone contacts are given for obtaining further information on website content.
The governmental authorities not only block website content but also monitor the Internet access of individuals.
Browsealoud is a solution that allows visitors the option of having website content read to them.
On October 6, 2011, the website content was put back.