Its former website URL is now also inoperative.
The bad guys are always going to be one step ahead by changing website URLs, email addresses, et cetera, so you really do need to be careful and practice safe browsing.
Next, "CFNetwork: A maliciously crafted website may control the displayed website URL in a certificate warning."
If you click Yes, it then shows you, in the clear, the website URL, your username and password, right there in the dialogue box for anyone to look at.
Over the years - for the sake of a simpler logo and the website URL - it has merged to become Whitelines.
Markings such as emergency telephone numbers, generic anti-drug or anti-crime messages, or even website URLs are also common.
In previous Macintosh packaging, Apple's website URL was printed below the specifications list.
The Spanish film company made an offer to Planet One for all ownership rights to their "Planet One" trademarks and related website URLs.
At the bottom was a downtown address, with 212 and 917 phone numbers for landline and cell, and e-mail, and a website URL.
Along with the banner the team must include the crew's website URL which then after admin approval gets added to the main directory on WWJ's website.