In the Amazon basin, he lists the lives hiding among the fallen trees and rotting branches: "basidiomycete fungi, slime molds, ponerine ants, scolytid beetles, bark lice, earwigs, embiopteran web spinners, zorapterans, entomobryomorph springtails, japygid diplu rans, schizomid arachnids, pseudoscorpions, real scorpions."
The insects known as web spinners weave silken galleries for protection from predators and the elements while foraging and breeding.
Piers Anthony 311 When we built the bam and stalls for the horses, two huge spiders moved in, one with about a four and a half inch leg- span, the biggest web spinner ever seen, and the other was larger.
In motion, the web spinners did look like great spiders, with small torsos, tiny heads and four long, long limbs.
The web spinners were the scouts, the swift, lightly armed three-man scouts.
Insects that spin webs include moths and web spinners.
But I still remained fascinated by the prospect that something similar to a web spinner had spun the strands of supertenacity fabric around the spaceship.
The sound sensors picked up the web spinners as they chattered to each other.
The assassin had lowered himself with web spinner, a tiny device that spun a thin strand like a spider.
With a chisel he chips off some bark and discovers an embiopteran web spinner.