This ranking is based on web metrics (i.e. web popularity) and it is not academic.
YouTube is by far the busiest video website online, with more than 100 million unique monthly viewers, according to figures released by web metrics firm Nielsen in June.
Future improvements currently under consideration include: upgrading panorama cameras, more detailed web metrics, and improved searchability through metatagging and user-generated metatagging.
According to the site of web metrics Alexa, Classora Open Website is ranked at 100,557 globally and at 2,880 in the Spanish traffic ranking.
The web metrics firm collects data from an "exclusive on-demand network of live stats customers" compiled from some "160 million visitors per month" and makes it available for free to information-starved nerds across the planet.
In order to make SBA websites more user-friendly, web metrics can help the agency identify priority content or content that needs improvement.
Public release of web metrics allows users to better understand the internal workings of the site as well as gain valuable statistics about the small business community.
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