Spiders' webs hung from the ceiling and clustered in its corners.
Silvered webs hung everywhere like jewels.
The web of spun silver hung from her fingers, the fine metal glimmering softly, the stones black in the moonlight.
A web of broken veins hung at the edges of his twice-broken nose, and his once-thick Viking hair had thinned to a blond frizz.
Spiders' webs hung in dark corners.
The whole web of light and darkness hung in space.
They were attached, but now the webs hang free.
There was a little nest where she had lain, and spiders' webs hung overhead.
I would find the same difficulty in putting down words for a dragonfly above a summer pond or a new spider's web hung with dew on a spring hedgerow.
In search of greater mobility, Perry enlisted his friend Williams, an engineer, to help design a web of rope hung from three giant trees.