She'd used as her example a town idler who could frequently be seen weaving up and down the streets of Yorkville.
Fang grinned, continuing to bob and weave up and down by fifteen-foot drops.
Another weaved up to join it, swell its substance.
Three separate flutes, or possibly voices, wove up and down crossing the B flat tone sustained by a fourth player.
I could see his dark Thunderbird bobbing and weaving up ahead.
I will weave them up into a new story.
He could see the cop weaving up ahead, and then finally, beyond the policeman, he saw the central stairwell block.
Moving swiftly she started out, weaving up through the boulders.
A myriad of themes and contrary notions, all woven up in a welter of detail.
Sehorn then gathered the ball in and instantly reversed direction to weave up the field through seven Vikings before he was finally tackled.