The channel features 24 hours a day, 7 days a week local, regional and national weather coverage.
This, along with extensive provincewide weather coverage, gave the station a distinctive Ontario feel for many years.
In addition, there was severe weather coverage presented when conditions warranted.
The station has never done well in the ratings, and recently began cutting back on its stock market reports, increasing traffic and weather coverage.
There is also a daily report from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and weather coverage.
She kept the TV on nonstop weather coverage and looked at the light show outside her bedroom window.
TV) to provide continuous weather coverage on the station despite the regulations.
With all these big questions out there, it's no surprise that there has been an explosion of weather coverage on television in the last five years.
WAND is known throughout the area for its weather coverage.
This was noticed during the long-form weather coverage on 33/40, which lasted most of the evening.